Winter Skin Care: Exfoliation + Hydration

by Erika Geraerts

Does your skin feel different in winter? We feel the same.
Winter means cooler, drier weather with less humidity to keep our skin hydrated. It also means the extremes of indoor heating which can cause irritation, itching, and tightness. 
As a result, winter beauty routines need to be packed full of nourishing products that restore moisture levels and support your skin’s natural cell turnover and healing abilities. 
And while hibernating seems like the perfect option, it’s important to make sure you get outside for some fresh air and vitamin d. Your skin will thank you. 
Before we get into face products, we think it’s worth mentioning some other winter skincare tips: dry brushing the body to increase circulation and remove dead skin cells pre-moisturising, drinking water (at least 2L a day) and foods full of essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and good oils like fish, sesame seeds, bone broth, soups, carrot, mushrooms, cabbage, rhubarb and tofu, all help to maintain a healthy body and mind. 
Now, to your face. 
Winter doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care what type of skin you have, the conditions are unforgiving, and put us through a lot. From mild to severe skin dehydration, poor circulation, an increase in fine lines due to loss of moisture and elasticity, rough texture, dry or flakey patches, and even itchy skin. And we haven’t even spoken about when hormones come into play.
Cold temperatures mean we look great in coats but unfortunately, without that sun-kissed glow, our skin can also look dull. And it’s not just this lack of sun, but also a need for hydration and exfoliation that winter skin is calling for. If we respond gently, we can navigate the winter skin rollercoaster a little more easily. 

Exfoliation involves the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin using a blend of granular substances. Sounds just about what our skin needs in winter, after being exposed to cooler temperatures and winds or on again off again heaters, wrapped in blankets and jumpers and lacking day to day humidity and moisture. Basically, our skin is dry. And asking for help. 
The obvious and immediate benefit of exfoliation is getting rid of those flakey dry bits of skin which can contribute to a dull, dusty complexion, that make it harder for your moisturising products to do their thing. Regular exfoliation (once a week or fortnightly) also removes any excess dirt or grime not removed by your cleanser.
By removing such, not only does your skin look polished and refreshed (cellular turnover can be increased, which can help give your skin the appearance of a glow) it is also primed for your next steps: face oils, hydrating masks, moisturisers or SPF. 
But wait. It’s super important to remember that while exfoliation is great – over exfoliation is not. The skin on your face is much thinner and more sensitive than the rest your body, and even more so in winter. It can be easy to get carried away with exfoliating - we get it - it feels good and chasing that ‘glow’ is never ending, but never listen to someone who tells you to exfoliate every day, or whenever you feel like it; over exfoliating can cause microscopic tears and lead to inflammation. Once weekly, or fortnightly is plenty. Trust us. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and this is no exception. 
Fluff’s Exfoliator: Developed as a natural exfoliant alternative, it is gentle enough for weekly use to reveal soft, supple skin and support your natural cell turnover. With natural, Ayurvedic ingredients including Rice Bran Powder, Oatmeal, SandalWood, Cacao, Ashwagandha, Marshmallow Root, Cinnamon, Ginger, Chamomile, Slippery Elm, it has an ingredient list that you can understand and pronounce, with no harsh, stripping ingredients or acids that can take away the essential oils naturally occurring in your skin, further exposing the newly surfaced and sensitive skin to the elements. We need to protect skin, not expose it!
Winter makes it difficult for our skin to produce and retain moisture, meaning it dries out much faster. This results in our skin becoming dehydrated, which can lead to sensitivities and inflammation as a result. So where to start? Putting moisture back in, or on, should we say. 
Face Oils have long been used as a practice supporting skin integrity while relieving skin conditions with their restorative, moisture-balancing properties.
Fluff’s Face Oil #2: Derived from the Meadowfoam Seed Flower, it’s a thicker oil than face oil 1 or 3 and is more suited to dehydrated skin or as an intense, night time ritual. Rich in vitamin e, c, and essential fatty acids to promote healthy cell turnover and smooth skin. After cleansing, apply a dropper’s worth of oil to the tips of the fingertips, and apply to the face, gently massaging or pressing into the skin as desired. Focus on dehydrated areas. Use morning and night. 
Fluff’s Face Mask: Developed to counteract the drying nature of most face masks containing clay, charcoal or other stripping ingredients, this mask is focussed on restoration and rejuvenation. A weekly ritual, it will rebalance the skins’ natural moisture levels, avoiding excess oil production (that leads to further breakouts), revealing a hydrated, plump, dewy complexion. With nourishing ingredients that support your skins natural healing abilities, this product is gentle enough to sleep in or wear a light later as an intense, daily moisturiser.
Buy them in the Facial Set: Developed for the individual self-care ritual at home - covering the most important aspects of healthy skin: cleansing, exfoliation, and moisturisation. Taking care of yourself has never been easier with this at home facial experience. We have taken four naturally nourishing products that give back to your skin restoring moisture levels and revealing a polished, fresh complexion. 
Cleanse, Polish, Hydrate. Exfoliator. Cleanser. Mask. Face Oil #3.

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